niedziela, 16 czerwca 2013


Yes, of course A. Einstein is one of my role models, mainly because of the fact that he talked about imagination and creativity a lot...But the formula written in the title of my post stands for smth else than his original formula :D

E=mc²  - Energy = Milk x Coffee² :D  Not my own formula, I mean, I'm not the creator of
it :D However...
when I worked for one of the major corporations and 
often had to work late hours, I saw

this formula on a  sticky note on someone's desk and it made my day :D 

So here's my list of the things I am greatful for  : 

1. Guarana fruits/powder/pills ... Guarana, or "Paullinia Cupana" is a plant, common in Latin America, esp. in Brasil. It's fruits & seeds are rich in caffeine, and for me personally  the stimulating effect of those is better comparing to coffee. Although it's the same substance or  ingredient - caffeine, in my opinion and in my personal experience, Guarana's effect is more subtle but it lasts longer I think. And it probably doesn't dehydrate you as much as coffee does. Well, anyway, it's a really great alternative to coffee :) ...oh, and the funny thing about those fruits - they look like eyeballs a bit ;D 

That's what wikipedia says about it : 
"The guarana fruit's colour ranges from brown to red and contains black seeds which are partly covered by white arils. The colour contrast when the fruit has been split open has been likened to eyeballs; this has formed the basis of a myth"  

Here's a pic : 

Freaky :D

2. Trance music...As I said earlier, I'm studying for my MA exam, which I'm  having in a week time, so right now it's all about focus, concetration, eating  healthy , getting a good sleep, drinking tons of tea and coffee, and of course  at the end of this list there's Trance/House music:) I saw I video on YT , where a guy, among a lot of studying tips tells that it's a great idea to listen to  the music (before or while studying , depends on a subject) that you really like or that you are "attached to" and have some great memories connected  with it.

For me that is trance/house music, such as Tiesto, Alesso, Above&Beyond, Avicii, of course A. van Buren, D. Guetta and many others (whom I don't know by name but listen to religiously :)
Thank you guys for making my stydies mangable and clubbing enjoyable even without alcohol :)

3. Umm...don't get me wrong but I have to say it  - shower :D You see, last week I was reading about Middle Ages , history of France etc. and I realized, that even those who were rich at that time and had fancy estates and bathrooms made of gold, had only one option - to take a bath! How boring is that :D That sounds ridiculous for me, I love taking a shower, and , believe it or not, one of my dreams/goals in life is to have an appartment with a modern and extraordinary shower.
But the point I want to make here is that 15 mins of shower are just a perfect thing to do while having a break between...yeah between studying :D

As you can see, all of the things mentioned today are somehow related to my studies and the goal of staying awake :)

As usual, a quote to sum up this week , and todays post  :

"Always do your best.What you plant now you will harvest later"  (Og. Mandino)

Take care everybody..... get a good sleep, drink a lot of water, eat your vitamins, say your prayers ...and...
Don't forget to have some fun :)


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