niedziela, 9 czerwca 2013

Inch by inch, play by play...

Maybe some of you have seen the movie called "any given Sunday", or just heard the famous Al Pacino's speech in this movie. Really inspiring, amazingly simple and true. The name of today's post is a quote from his speech..

A good quote to start today's list of things I am greatful for :

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it" (Goethe).

Today I am happy to experience and really thankful for :

1. Websites that allow you to give smth to other, in other words to help others by simply clicking. There are probably a lot of those, currently I'm "clicking" on two actually, one is local (Polish) and the second one is American, I mean it helps you give the funds to animals, veterans etc. in US. In our lives it all starts with giving, only afer giving, recieving process can be launched but it's not just about recieving. For me it's a good way to lift my mood and reasure me that browsing the internet can be useful.

2. Headphones :D Yep , I've given my tribute to all those who create audiobooks recently, but I didn't mention the most important thing - the HEADPHONES!! If I were to describe headphones without actually using the word "headphones" I would write smth like this : " it's a device that allows you to find your peace in a most crowdy and loud place, a device that makes each moment unique and allows you to be aware that you can change your mood easily by using it properly" :D Yep , this is about headphones!!! Without them my workouts would be boring, my language skills would be on a much lower level someone once said - "without music life would be a mistake" : D

3. Book scripts. Oh yeah, I'm so thankful for such a thing  as book script as right now I studying for my MA exam and reading all the books that I am required to wouldn't be physically possible. But the scripts, created by those who spent their time writting notes, reading and/or listening attentively, allow you to learn (after reading more or less 50 pages) the essence of the information that initially was written on more than 400 pages. For me that's a saviour and I will definately write at least one script by myself in future, to help other students achieve their goals. Thank you all for writting those useful scripts, and , what is more important - for sharing them.

That's it for today, the weather is not so good, so I've decided to finish today's post with words from the song "Sunshine" by Matisyahu :

Reach for the sky
Keep your eye on the prize
Forever by my side
You're my golden sunshine
It's raining in your mind
So push those clouds aside
Forever by my side
You're my golden sunshine

Take care everybody, get a good sleep or at least take a nap :D And , of course, don't forget to have some fun :)

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