piątek, 31 maja 2013

Did you smile Today ?

Just that simple: ) Did you smile today ? Cause the kid on the picture below will most definately kick your ass if you didn't :) 

A quote to start today's post  : 
" Live simply, so that other people can simply live"
(check the video on YT called "Most inspirational  Video Ever" and you'll understand where this quote comes from)

Today I want to thank Life for the : 

1. Motivational videos that people create on their own. I mean, a motivation is something that can be present at the moment, and just after a few seconds - it's gone. So I like the fact that there are so many people all around the world who dedicate their time, collect inspirational quotes, music, episodes from movies and create something that pushes us beyond limits and allows us find more strength within to move forward.
Here is a video that made my day today:) No comments needed .

2. Android apps... or maybe I should say "free android apps" :) I'm not a Mac/iPhone user, and this is because of the great variety of android apps you are allowed to use for free. A huge credit to all those people who make apps (all of a kind, from pdf-reading apps to guitar-loopers etc) and to those who write reviews for those apps. 

3.  Volunteers...and here I'd like to thank both - the volunteers that take part in different activities in order to help somehow or to change someones life and also the organisations that gather volunteers and allow them to do what they feel is right. Last month I had an opportunity to be a volunteer on a huge event called T. Harv Eker - Millionaire Mind Intensive. During all 4 days I had a max. of 4 hours of sleep, but still I was so excited about my impact into the outcome and about all the energy around me , that even after 4 hours of sleep I was able to smile and keep doing what I was supposed to do :) It wast one of the best experiences in my life and it all started with the idea "Maybe I should first GIVE something and ONLY THEN expect to GET smth". Leaving my comfort zone and volunteering is one of the most important steps in my life. Thank You.

A quote to finish todays post and sum up the whole week :

"All negativity is an illusion created by the limited mind to protect and defend itself" (A. Wauters)

Don't limit yourself, challenge yourself instead, and of course don't forget to ..
Have some fun :)
Take care


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