środa, 1 maja 2013

Wordless Chorus

As the title of my today's post is the title of the song by "My Morning Jacket" , I will start with a quote about music :

"One good thing about music - when it hits, you feel no pain" (B. Marley)

As you can see I'm a big fan of Bob Marley's music, so one of the things I would like to thank for today would be reggae music. So here's my today's list of things I am thankful for and which I percieve as very meaningful :

1. Earplugs for sleeping :) I don't have any specific brand that I use constantly, in fact I've started using these things just recently when I realized that the quality of the sleep is in direct proportion of two main things : your level of fatigue after the whole day, and the comfort you have(or don't) while sleeping. And while the first does not always lie in our "circle of influence" , the second can be controlled by such things as soft and comfortable pillows or - wait for it... earplugs for sleeping :) And here's a little bit of history :

The first recorded mention of the use of wax earplugs is in the Odyssey, wherein Odysseus's crew used wax earplugs to avoid being distracted by the Sirens' songs. In 1907, the German company Ohropax, which produced earplugs, was started by German inventor Max Negwer

Thank you guys :)

2. Reggae music..for me it just means a very special period of time in my life, a time when I learned that Love is actually something more than emotion or feeling, when I learned what real patience is and all that I've done by accidentaly finding a Bob Marleys "Gold Collection CD"..I think I was 16 at that time, so no weed , no drugs, just pure music and funny to say , but understanding of so many important things came to me.

 Thank you Bob, for reggae and philosophy it has brought us.

3. Tv series that promote intelligence and staying true to who you are. Maybe some people might disagree becasue for example one of the most popular tv series " Dr. House" didn't actually show us a new role model to follow, or if it aimed to, such role model is unacceptable in our society...maybe that's true, but that's not the point I wanna make. I am thankful for such Tv Series as "Dr. House" , "Lie to me" , "Psych", "Sherlock", "Elementary" because they show individuals who are unique and excel at particular things without worrying of others opinions. And these tv series promote inteligence as something that you can really work on, something you can improve and use in everyday life (for making money). I know that watching tv series might be percieved as a waste of time, but I don't regret of any episode of these listed above, as they proved me that being smart can and should be "cool", but it also requires great effort.

That's all for today, as alwasy, good quote to start Thursday :

“I guess sometimes you have to lie to find the truth. ” 
― Scott Westerfeld

Take care everybody, get a good sleep and have fun :)

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