niedziela, 21 kwietnia 2013

Bob Marley & Yoda

Today I'm gonna start from Bob Marley's quote as it's somehow related to what I will be thanking for   :

"My home is in my head, my home is always where I am." (B.Marley)

It's Sunday , it's sunny , ant it's the perfect day to write about some of the things I appreciate :

1) Skype; ) maybe I should have put "internet connection" instead of skype, cause I am thankful for the opportunity to stay in touch with people who are important for me. But in most of the cases I use skype to call my family and friends, so today I'm thankful for skype.

2) Songs about homecoming. Well, it's been two years since I've been home , and to tell the truth I miss my family, eventhough I constantly call them. So today, maybe beacause of the nice weather, or maybe because I was a little bit exhausted ( lack of sleep: ) I tried to remember the best songs about home and homecoming that I like. Here they are : Game feat. Chris Brown - Pot of Gold,

P.Diddy feat.Skylar Grey - Coming Home, Kanye West - Homecoming and of course - Bob Marley - Roots.
I think it's important to remember where you come from, therefore I'd like to thank all those listed artists for great hits and beautiful lyrics they've given us.

3)TEDx  videos - some of the videos on Youtube are really inspiring, but appart from that, I find them really interesting no matter what mood I'm in.As far as I know , almost 80 % of our knowledge comes from the communication, in other words, we learn what hear from others mostly.And as people that give speeches at TEDx events are very intelligent , I think it's worth watching at least one such movie a day, even if your opinion on particular subject is different.

4) Victor Cheng's blog about tips on writting cover letters and resumes for consulting. It helped me a lot to get an internship in consulting, which I am also thankful for, but the reason why I am so inspired by V. Cheng's blog is because of the post about self confidence and being who you are. Thank you Victor, this post was breaking for me.

That's all for today , and as usual, a quote to start a nice week tomorrow :

"Do or do not. There is no try." (Yoda)
For me this quote means that in this world there are only two options - you whether are in process of doing something , or not doing it. So don't TRY to do things, act and if you fail  , act once again untill you succeed.

Take care and have fun.

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