środa, 17 kwietnia 2013

Kung Fu Panda

It's probably a good idea to start each post with a nice quote that is somehow related to this post or day. So my todays quote would be a quote from Kung-Fu Panda, that wast told by Turtle (Oogway) :

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present."

So today I am thankful for  :

- 50 PLN's (polish currency) I've found today :) I found it on the street, but didn't take it..I didn't cause I simply don't need them , I've got my own money , but it made my day  , it's nice to see money all around you. And cheers to the person that took it :)

- naps I can take -  as in two weeks Im starting the preparation to exam for MA studies, and probably won't have much free time..but for now - thank you Universe for this great thing we call nap :P

-energy drinks..well , I know they are harmful for our liver, but from time to time you need some caffeine , and if you're in a hurry or it's hot and you don't want to drink coffee , a redbull or a burn is just what you need..but of course , if it's not that important to stay awake (at the end of the day nothing is SO important ) - take a nap:))

that's probably all for today , I don't want these posts to be extremely long , so that would be it.
a quote to start a good day tomorrow, also from Kung-Fun Panda :

Oogway: There are no accidents. 
Shifu: [sighs] Yes, I know. You've already said that twice. 
Oogway: That was no accident either. 
Shifu: Thrice. 

Take care everybody and have some fun :)

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