wtorek, 23 kwietnia 2013

Screw it Let's Do it

Todays post, is named as Richard Branson's book -  Screw it Let's Do it. This is the book that I've read recently. One of author's quotes (not in this particular book) was :

Right now I'm just delighted to be alive and to have had a nice long bath.(R.Branson)

So what am I thankful for today  ? Guess that's not gonna be a long list, but still   ; 

1) Generic drugs, which are cheaper and sometimes do not require perscription -  it's really helpful if you don't have any insurance. However, before bying medicines online, make sure that source is reliable and that you really need them.

2)Yogurt with muesli :D I don't know who came up with the idea  of mixing yogurt with muesli , but it's one of the best things one Earth I think. Besides it's very healthy and the taste is... ..smth incredible:"_"

3)Coincidences - last week I've found 50 zł ( didn't take it though) This week I forgot my books when I was leaving home and then had to return. When I came back , I met a post officer near my flat, who gave me the packaging I was waiting for. Coincidence ? I don't think so,

The quote to start a good Wednesday would be also Richard Branson's quote  :

You can change "business" form this quote into "life" , just skip this word if you're not really into business, or leave it as it is, it's up to you.

The point is that you should move forward constantly, make new decisions and look for new things and people around you.

That was all for today, as I am really exhausted. Take care everybody and have fun:D

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